Student Handbook

8590海洋之神官网学生手册》为学生提供了有关他们的 作为海洋之神590网址社区成员的权利、责任和资源. 在接受学院的录取通知后,每个学生都同意遵循 policies and guidelines established by the College. All students are expected to familiarize 在网上学习学生手册中的内容,以便他们 课堂内外的行为举止与海洋之神590网址校规一致 标准. When upheld by all members of the community, these policies foster a learning environment characterized by academic and personal excellence.

这本手册将帮助学生找到有关学院政策的重要信息 和资源. Washington College publishes this Handbook annually, but the policies and procedures are subject to change during the academic year.

Statement of Community Standards

海洋之神590网址,我们既崇尚个性,也崇尚强烈的共享意识 社会的价值观. Students who enter this community make a commitment to a healthy 互相尊重地交流思想并认识到生活在一个社区中需要 tolerance, compromise, and sensitivity to others.

Students are expected to treat other students, faculty, staff, and College guests 以尊重、尊严和理解创造一个重视文明的社区. 学生应该建立适当的个人界限,以适应个人 自由融入到更广泛的背景下,对学生社区和责任 the values of the College. In addition, students must understand that Washington College is not a sanctuary isolated from the rest of society. Consequently, all students are subject to local, state, and federal laws, as are other residents of Chestertown, MD. Students are recognized as adults and therefore receive the respect and assume the responsibilities that come with this status.

Within our community, students are expected to:

  • 培养成熟和负责任的与人相处和探索人际关系的风格 的关系.
  • Practice appropriate self-management, health, and wellness skills.
  • Understand and broaden their appreciation for cultural and lifestyle differences.
  • 确保他们的行为或他人的行为不侵犯权利 别人的 or the fundamental integrity of the living and learning environment.
  • 接受所有社区成员都有机会接受教育的原则 设施、活动和项目,不分种族、肤色、信仰、宗教、 sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • 创造和维持一种文明的氛围,确保所有的谈话都是尊重的 对于个人而言,不管是否在实质性问题上存在分歧, taste, politics, or evidence.
  • 通过尊重思想、福祉和财产来维护荣誉准则的标准 别人的.

Mission Statement

海洋之神590网址挑战并激励新兴的公民领袖去发现生活 of purpose and passion.


我们和我们的创始赞助人乔治·华盛顿有着共同的价值观:正直、决心、 curiosity, civility, leadership, and moral courage.

我们在一个支持性的住宅社区中提供学术严谨和自我发现 of well-qualified, diverse, and motivated individuals. We develop in our students 分析思维的习惯和清晰的沟通,审美洞察力,伦理道德 sensitivity, and civic responsibility.

从容不迫的谈话和与杰出的教职员工的密切联系 complement a broad curriculum of study. A beautiful campus, ready access to exciting 城市和切萨皮克湾,以及参与当地的文化和社区 并在世界各地为我们的学生提供充足的资源和机会 exploration and shared challenges.

We prepare our students for rich and fulfilling lives; for myriad and unpredictable opportunities; for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and productive endeavor.

Vision Statement

8590海洋之神官网经久不衰的价值观——批判性思维、有效沟通、 and moral courage—move the world.

Commitment to Diversity, Tolerance, and Inclusiveness

海洋之神590网址给学生提供了了解生活和挑战的机会 他们自己的价值观和他人的想法和价值观,并在这样做时,变得负责任 members of the College community. The College believes that the diversity of its community 它最大的优势在于种族、肤色、国籍、性别的差异吗 性取向、性别、性别认同/表达、社会经济阶层、能力、年龄和 religious belief are to be respected by all members of the community. While the College imposes no specific moral standard upon its students, each student is expected to uphold 标准 of civility and engage in constructive and reasoned discourse to express differences of opinion.

8590海洋之神官网的多样性声明得到了访问委员会的批准 州长.

我们,8590海洋之神官网的学生、教师、职员和访问理事会 College, welcome, invite, value, and support a diverse community of individuals.  We strive to create a space where all can study, work, and thrive.  我们相信 所有种族、民族、国籍的人的价值、尊严和安全, 性别认同和/或表达、性取向、社会经济地位、 文化背景,认知或身体能力,情感和行为特征, ages, and educational levels.  In the pursuit of academic excellence, we endeavor 要成为一个由不同背景、不同观点的人组成的社区, 生活经历、宗教、哲学和政治信仰、生活方式和意识形态.  我们承诺创造一个相互尊重和支持的环境,促进合作、共情、 and the building of meaningful 的关系 among members of Washington College.  我们致力于建立一个更加公平、包容和积极参与的社区 all the complexity that each person brings to campus.

  • 我们将授权所有成员贡献想法,提出问题,质疑假设, and revise points of view through civil debate.
  • 我们将面对并挑战通过偏见态度使他人非人化的企图, 排斥、贬低或排斥任何个人或群体的行为和做法.
  • 我们将鼓励校友、家长、访客、客人和更广泛的社会尊重 and embrace the values and behaviors that we embody.

我们的承诺是培养一个持续的愿望和能力,理解和有意义地 接触不同的观点和经验,包括历史上的 underrepresented and marginalized groups.  We seek to contribute to the full intellectual 和每个人的情感发展,丰富我们的地方,区域, and global communities.

Policies and Procedures

校园政策和规定适用于所有入学的海洋之神590网址学生 and their guests, regardless of whether students live on or off campus. 所有的学生, 无论是全职还是兼职,都应该遵守管理行为的政策 both on and off campus. The College will be guided by the policies published here or in other official College publications, including the College website. 在很少的 有时,当大学官员认为情况需要(如需要) 维护或恢复适当的教育环境,为学生,教师 及职员),书院保留解释、修订及更改这些规定的权利 policies without prior notice to students.