


本课程介绍传播与媒体研究的核心问题,包括 theories and models of communication, the relationship between media and society, 历史/技术/趋势在报纸,广播,电视,电影,电子和 数字技术, & 广告. Key problems and paradigms are explored through materials drawn from academic scholarship, popular press, and multimedia.

课堂演讲、工作面试、实习——公开演讲是我们日常生活的一部分 生活. This course teaches students the main principles of public speaking; practice 在写作、表达和批评方面,内容丰富、有说服力和娱乐性 演讲. Particular attention is paid to speaking with media and public speaking 在数字世界里. Everyone needs to know how to do it and the sooner you learn the 更好的!

介绍基本的设备,灯光,声音,电影摄影, and editing (Final Cut Pro and After Effects) for video production. 学生将制作 他们自己的 录像 完成整个学期的课程. 2学分实习

本课程向学生介绍视频编辑和视频编辑软件的基础知识 including Adobe Premier, DaVinci Resolve, and Final Cut Pro. 学生将学习基本的 editing strategies; editing for continuity and genre; and software functionality. 没有制作,编辑或其他视频工作的经验是必需的.  2学分实习

了解当代动态影像文化和媒体——从YouTube到Snapchat, to IMAX—requires a working understanding of visual analysis. 电影的历史 provides the best way to comprehend and contextualize the moving image in popular 文化. This course is a history of world cinema from film dawn to post WWII cinema (roughly 1895-1960) which present the films of this era in a way that understands them as integral works within an historical visual landscape. 本课程强调 了解电影制作形式(如何观看电影)、美学和电影制作技术; 分析内容/叙述. 所需实验室为电影放映.

本课程教导学生培养对大众角色的批判性理解 movies and television in 他们自己的 lives and in U.S. 文化. 这门课讲的是 issues of the relationship of media to social violence, gender identities, sexual identities, technology, minority 文化s, and the role of the U.S. 全球媒体. Required lab is for film and television screenings.

本课程大致回顾1960年至今的电影史,呈现不同的模式 国际电影的制作与其当代的演变密切相关. 覆盖美国、英国、意大利、捷克、塞内加尔、阿尔及利亚、日本、印度和法国, 我们强调所有这些“民族”风格的混合,以及具有挑战性 the politically charged notion of national cinema itself. 其次,我们将探索 全球当代电影制作的变化是如何演变和帮助美国电影工业的 to challenge Hollywood’s global dominance. Thirdly, we will trace how new industrial channels exposed regional and ‘minor’ film 行业 to global audiences. 所需实验室为电影放映.

This course examines persuasion as a communicative strategy. 试图说服 无处不在:在我们看到的广告中,在我们收到的信息中 social media, in the debates we have over meals, and 甚至在我们的杂货店布局中. Students will consider the history of persuasion 在媒介和非媒介环境中,以及技术留住用户的方式 点击、观看和参与. In addition to practicing critical analysis 对于说服性信息,本课程将鼓励原创说服性信息的产生 content that is both effective and ethical.

This course examines the structures and impacts of global communication networks. 我们将考虑经济、文化、政治、技术和环境方面的后果 日益全球化的媒体. We will discuss early work in the field of international 传播,并继续到当代全球媒体网络的讨论. Throughout the semester, we examine how different entities wield power and assert influence in this global media landscape and how digital technologies can be used to both challenge and reaffirm those existing hierarchies. 

Theory may seem like a scary word, but theory helps us to make sense of our world. Theories shape how we understand reality, relationships, and the media around us, 并帮助我们创造自己的媒体. Theory tells us more about how we communicate, 帮助我们全面理解我们的媒体景观,并为我们有意识的生活做好准备 住. This course exposes students to the major theories of communication and media studies, their application to the academic and professional inquiry in the field, 以及它们在日常生活中的重要性. The course also teaches students to write in and across the field, and prepares them for upper level critical, analytical, and theoretical based communication and media studies thinking and research. 参加本课程的学生必须参加CMS 101或有明确的许可 教授报名. 不建议一年级学生使用.  

本课程向学生介绍政治经济学的沟通方法 媒体研究并考虑其在特定媒体和娱乐中的应用 行业. To understand media content, media technologies, and the economies built 围绕它们,我们必须更深入地审视商业化和企业化的影响 集中在这些系统上. In this course, we will consider issues like privacy, citizenship, globalization, labor, alternative 媒体,数字媒体,以及我们通过媒体构建共享文化的方式.  

Buzzfeed和美国做什么测试.S. 人口普查的共同点? 它们都是调查 constructed through a specific methodological approach. 你是否想 帮助互联网确定他们是《海洋之神590网址》中的哪个角色,或者是在数 U.S. population, you need a method to build your project on. 本课程介绍 学生要有基本的定量、定性、解释性、修辞性和批判性 research methods used in communication and media studies. 学生可以期望以项目为基础 本课程适用于全专业的社会科学和人文学科,使用广受欢迎 文化, current events, and multimedia to become methodological experts. 参加本课程的学生必须参加CMS 250或有明确的许可 教授报名.

Media and Censorship examines the complicated history, application, and ethics of 媒体系统、政治、文化、法理和审查制度的交集 在全球范围内. Each semester, the course examines these issues via a different 全球背景下的媒体系统. 恰城对妇女实施媒体系统 和主题 可以包括但不限于 to: global film and censorship; geopolitical internet governance and access; social media, data, and privacy; podcasting, advocacy, and social justice; streaming and digital media, cultural imperialism, and soft power; 大数据; media conglomeration; and net neutrality.

本课程将从不同角度探讨媒体在政治中的作用, 概述以下内容:美国媒体的历史; the legal issues that relate to the media;   the impact that the media have on public opinion; the substance (or lack of substance) of the media’s coverage of the news, government   and elections; biases of the news media; political campaign   广告; alternative and newly developing forms of media; and the increasing conglomeration 新闻媒体的兼并. Throughout the course, these issue areas will be discussed in a larger context involving questions of freedom, representation, and 政治参与.

本课程涉及、使用和挑战各种理论思想和方法 电影. We will address questions such as: What is cinema, and what are film studies? How do we relate to and interact with films? 电影之间的关系是什么 以及更大的全球社会? We will discuss the historical and cultural context 在其中出现了特定的理论,并学习了思想变化的电影语言 批评. Recommended that students have taken at least one film class prior; sophomore or higher 强烈推荐

CMS高级研修班对学员的CMS培训进行了严谨的反思 exposing them to new and cutting-edge developments in the field. 广泛的构造 在CMS的主要集中,课程培养学生的高阶智力 生产的预期和准备着手他们的高级顶点 经验. Prereq: must be a CMS major with Senior standing

中介表征是如何产生的,它们在历史上是如何被操纵的 to oppress or devalue certain groups, and how they can be contested? 工作从 中介形象是通过权力及其各种功能构建的, 本课程将探讨人们如何重新找回他们的身份——以及他们自己的权力 revising or even appropriating representations that have been made of them. 特殊的 我们将关注媒体如何被用作一种积极分子的发言策略 关于种族和民族歧视问题的真相,身体的完整性 反骚扰,LGBT和酷儿平等,以及全球范围内的经济公正. 

The 高级顶点经验 is an intensive research project on a topic chosen by the student and guided by a faculty mentor. It hones research, analytic, and writing skills developed during four years of study. 学生通常完成顶点课程 在他们高三的春天. However, planning for the SCE begins in the spring 在咨询周期间提交SCE申请. The Capstone receives a mark of Pass, Fail, or Honors. 

“Theory was probably the hardest but was the most rewarding. 我得到了一些 most useful information in this class that made me a 更好的 scholar and person.”

卡斯·考特罗,CMS 2020届毕业生